Celebrating 112 Years of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, and Social Action
The Wilmington (DE) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated proudly joins worldwide in commemorating the 112th Founders Day of our beloved sisterhood. Since January 13, 1913, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated has been a beacon of hope, strength, and leadership, guided by our 22 visionary founders who laid the foundation for a legacy of excellence.
This year, we honor over a century of unwavering commitment to empowering communities and uplifting lives through sisterhood, scholarship, service, and social action. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we reflect on our achievements and renew our dedication to being agents of change.
The Wilmington (DE) Alumnae Chapter invites our members, community partners, and supporters to join us as we honor this legacy and continue the work of transforming lives and impacting communities. Together, we move forward in the spirit of Delta, embodying the values and vision of our founders.
Happy Founders Day to all Deltas across the globe! Here’s to another year of making a difference—uplifting, inspiring, and leading with purpose.
#DST112 #WilmingtonDEAlumnae #SisterhoodScholarshipServiceSocialAction